Saturday, August 31, 2019

Analysis Of “In Search Of Horatio Alger”

Philippe Bourgois’ 1989 article â€Å"In Search of Horatio Alger† takes a fairly sympathetic but nonetheless alarming look at the underground crack economy thriving in inner-city America. While he does not approve crack dealing or the violence it encourages, he demonstrates a solid grasp of why urban youth sometimes opt for this illegal trade, and he elaborates credibly on the â€Å"culture of poverty† idea scholars have debated for decades. After using a series of vignettes he gathered while observing the crack trade in New York’s Spanish Harlem, Bourgois segues into his analysis, which treats the crack economy like a business.He presents a context of socioeconomic change, in which well-paying manufacturing work has disappeared and been replaced by low-paying, poorly-regarding service-sector jobs. While many accept these, along with their exploitive conditions and low pay, others seek alternatives that seem less demeaning. Bourgois (1989, p. 626) writes, â€Å"These pariahs of urban industrial society seek their income, and subsequently their identity and the meaning in their life, through what they perceive to be high-powered careers ‘on the street.’† Though the crack trade is illegal and excluded from the mainstream economy, it nonetheless functions very much like a business and is indeed a sort of parallel. Not only does it provide sellers with income, but it also depends on control of designated territories (claimed and enforced through violence), has a clearly-defined hierarchy with bosses who collect receipts from workers on assigned shifts (and maintain discipline), competes for customers (also violently at times), and has an overriding concern for bottom lines.The chief difference, though, is the participants’ ethnicity (often black or Latino), their lack of education, and the heavy use of violence. Bourgois points out (1989, p. 632) that while legitimate businesses consider violence irrational and aberrant, within the crack world it â€Å"can be interpreted, according to the logic of the underground economy, as a judicious case of public relations, advertising, rapport building, and . . . ‘human capital development.’† Legitimate businesses use professional behavior, protocol, and nonviolent means of cultivating personal relations and enforcing their standards because violence deviates from their norms; in impoverished inner-city neighborhoods, though, violence is the norm and is highly effective. For these people, crack dealing represents a legitimate career not only because it is easy to enter, but mainly because it seems a viable alternative to the racial and social subordination inherent to service jobs.Bourgois rejects the notion that the urban poor are simply passive victims of a changing economy; instead, he argues that it is an active, advertent effort by the inner-city poor to create an economy that supports them and, perhaps more importantly, giv es them prestige, albeit on their own terms. They see no dignity in service-sector work and find independence, flexibility, and a respite from racism in this alternative economy. In addition, inner-city youth often encounter negative attitudes and have discouraging experiences in the legal economy, thus making crack dealing seem a viable alternative.Using the Puerto Ricans he met in Spanish Harlem as an example, Bourgois (1989, p. 626) writes that the urban poor are deemed â€Å"unemployable† and trapped in a culture of poverty, the existence of which has not been disproved after decades of scholarly debate. He adds (1989, p. 626) that â€Å"the media and a large portion of the inner-city residents themselves continue to subscribe to [the] culture-of-poverty concept. † Excluded by institutional racism, poor education, and troubled family lives, the urban poor are also beset by a changing economy that allows them to hold only menial, poor-paying jobs that offer little o r no advancement (1989, p.627). In fact, those who favor the crack trade view legitimate jobs with disdain, rejecting the system in ways that they believe it has rejected them. Bourgois (1989, p. 629) claims that because they are trained for subordinate roles by the educational system and offered only low-status jobs, such people sometimes react by developing a kind of â€Å"structurally induced cultural resistance† fed by deep frustration and anger. As he asserts (1989, p. 630), â€Å"The underground economy .. . is the ultimate ‘equal opportunity employer’ for inner-city youth. † Bourgois also implies that such feelings are understandable, especially given the fact that many in the crack economy had negative experiences in legal jobs, though he also concedes that not all of the working poor are automatically driven to illegal livelihoods. To his credit, though, Bourgois does not condemn the poor or claim that the socioeconomic system automatically drives them into lives of crime.Though the crack trade appears to some a viable alternative to jobs that earn little money or respect, Bourgois does not romanticize the crack dealer as a noble figure or excuse the crack economy in general. Instead, he condemns the effects crack has on inner-city neighborhoods; though a lucrative business, it is a destructive force because of the addictions it creates and the violence by which dealers create and maintain reputations. In his field work, Bourgois pays particular attention to the dealers’ machismo and alludes to the especially negative effects crack has on women.Though Bourgois claims (1989, p. 644) that poor women of color are actually more emancipated in recent years, since they work outside the home more than in past decades and are not as homebound as in previous generations. However, the crack economy puts women into an ugly paradox; those who attach themselves to the crack trade are usually hangers-on, attracted by the prospect o f money and drugs, and they often allow themselves to be treated more as objects than as people. Also, addiction forces some to turn to prostitution in order to support their habits, at the expense of their families.Few are allowed to become dealers; though Bourgois (1989, pp. 623-625) mentions one in his field observations, many are barred from street dealing because of their vulnerability to physical violence and, in a parallel with the legitimate economy, are barred from rising very far in this street economy. Women’s involvement is encouraged, but limited by the dynamics of machismo and the reality of physical violence as a means of building and maintaining reputations; they are as subordinate in this economy as they are in the legitimate one, albeit with vastly more damaging consequences in the former. As Bourgois explains (1989, p.645), â€Å"[The] proves of emancipation that has enabled women to demand equal participation in street culture and to carve out an expanded niche for themselves in the underground economy has led to a greater depreciation of women. . . .† Bourgois presents a credible explanation of why some of the urban poor are drawn to the underground crack economy. Their ambitions and energies, frustrated by social, educational, and economic conditions, are sometimes channeled into the violent, risky, but intensely lucrative crack trade because it represents, he claims, a sort of Horatio Alger â€Å"rags to riches† story for the post-industrial age.He does not demonize the poor as a whole, or even those who gravitate toward crack dealing, since he conveys an understanding of why they see few viable alternatives. On the other hand, he does not laud their participation in the underground economy; while he indicates the participants’ sense of rebellion and resistance against discrimination, he depicts the crack economy as a symptom of the much larger social problem of poverty without apparent escape or alternatives. The article also offers proof that a culture of poverty exists – the examples he uses paint a sordid picture in which the poor feel rejected by the establishment and thus create their own system, which is even more disastrous to their communities and lives. Bourgois, P 1989, â€Å"In search of Horatio Alger: culture and ideology in the crack economy,† Contemporary Drug Pr

Friday, August 30, 2019

IKEA’s Marketing Strategy Essay

One thing that makes IKEA becoming the best known global furniture retailer in the world is its marketing strategy. IKEA is a strong ban and many people across the globe think of IKEA when they thought about furniture. The key success of marketing strategy is IKEA’s standardization. IKEA stores around the world look alike and they all contain core value of organization’s culture. It looks and operates the same in every market markets. However, IKEA stores have to adapt to local markets. First standard is the most important standard. IKEA has had as a guiding principle to work in the same way and be seen in the same way in every country it operates. IKEA strategy is to keep the price low and attractive for as many people as possible. This marketing strategy is called merchandise; the product range and the prices of the products. The price should be the same in every market. Prices on products are supposed to be considered low compare to what consumers find in another store. IKEA aims deliver high value at low price. Location of the store usually locates at the outskirt of the city. The reason is that the consumer who buy furniture usually use personal car as a transportation (consumers using public transportation are rarely seen). The designs of stores are supposed to look basically the same in important dimensions: signage, display, store layout and design, and colors. They should contain Swedish identity such as the color of Swedish flag; blue and yellow. The purpose is to give the same shopping experience regardless of where the store is located. Still different stores adjust the room-settings they use to fit the local housing and living conditions, rather than an original setting. For example; room adjustment in IKEA Japan would be small and its furniture will considered for limited space, unlike IKEA store in Europe where housing has more space. It also adapts its design to impress local market as well. Service levels are similar around the world with staffing about the same everywhere. The number of employee in each level should be the same everywhere in the world. IKEA presents unique strategy. IKEA concept is to have the low prices you as a consumer pays a price which if consumer wants to pay lowest price; consumer has to pick things up in the  store, carries to your car, takes home and assembles yourself. Nevertheless, IKEA also offers delivery service.1 Another important strategy is public relation. The best known channel is the IKEA Catalog, which is developed by IKEA Communications in Älmhult, Sweden. It is produced in 38 different editions, in 17 languages for 28 countries. All this adjustment is made from a standardized base (same products, same overall info etc) meaning that country/region adjustments are really fairly small. Other important channels are IKEA websites, publications, and brochures.2 IKEA has adapted its product and design to fit in many market. Nevertheless the key success of IKEA is its standard and core value. This makes people reco gnize IKEA. Even though many new competitors try to copy IKEA or compete with it. IKEA manges to maintain its competitive difference and advantage. Its brand still strong in house retailer business.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Philips Matsushita

PHILIPS / MATSUSHITA STRATEGIC RECOMMENDATIONS In response to Harward Business School Case 9-392-156 PHILIPS N. V. Philips should pursue transnational structure by establishing integrated network of distributed and interdependent resources and capabilities in its core competencies: consumer electronics and lighting. Philips has developed local responsiveness through its decentralized structure of national organizations (NO). This structure has a great advantage in being able to sense and quickly respond to the differences in the local markets. As a result product development is a function of the local market conditions. Philips had developed 8 major R&D facilities throughout the world that are highly specialized. They have been a success introducing such products as first color TV in its Canadian NO, first stereo TV in Australia, and first TV with tele-text in the UK. However these inventions were not shared with the rest of the NOs in Philips because of the lack of communication between NOs and headquarters. For example, Philips’ Beta videocassette format wasn’t shared with other divisions as the strategically valuable invention, as a result North America Philips rejected this invention outright choosing instead to outsource and sell Matsushita’s VHS tapes. In order to prevent these strategic mistakes, the main role of the headquarters should be scanning of business activities across countries and identifying resources and capabilities that might be a source of competitive advantage for other companies in the firm Philips’ local responsiveness causes poor global efficiencies that need to be improved throughout the company. Transnational solution will help to retain local responsiveness as local companies search for new competencies that enable them to maximize profits in particular markets. International integration is realized when specific country’s operations develop unique competencies and become suppliers of that particular product in the market for the entire corporation. If one division develops valuable, rare, and costly to imitate R&D capabilities or products in its ongoing business activities, that division could become the center for R&D and manufacturing for the entire corporation in that activity or product. In conclusion, Philips should pursue transnational structure, where the main role of corporate headquarters is to scan business ctivities across countries for resources and capabilities that might be a source of competitive advantage for other geographically diversified companies of Philips. This structure will help Philips to be both globally efficient and respond to the local market successfully. MATSUSHITA ELECTRIC Matsushita should pursue completion of transnational structure by establishing integrated network of distributed and interdependen t sources of technical knowledge in the organization and changing the flow of information from top down to even exchange between headquarters and divisions. Past efforts to develop technological capabilities abroad have failed due to the company’s highly centralized R&D structure in Japan. Matsushita have transferred significant resources to local R&D centers, however the delegation of many responsibilities and framework of R&D came from headquarters in Japan. This philosophy was not well accepted by engineers of the acquired local companies because of the excessive functional control from the headquarters. As the result of central R&D dictatorship overseas companies were not able to develop innovative capability and entrepreneurship. In order to restore Matsushita’s profitability and recreate pioneering spirit of R&D, more control should be delegated to local operations’ R&D. Operations in different countries should be thought of as experiments in creation of new core competencies. Local R&D should search for new competencies on local markets in order to maximize profits in their particular markets. Corporate headquarters, on the other hand, should constantly scan different markets and competitors across different countries for new resources and capabilities that might be a source of competitive advantage for other divisions in corporation. If one of Matsushita’s divisions develops valuable and costly to imitate product that could b e a source of competitive advantage, the information about the innovation should be communicated back up to the headquarters. Headquarters will evaluate the idea and will assist with implementing of the innovation. Consequently, that division could become the center of manufacturing technology development for the entire corporation. In conclusion, Matsushita should change its role of corporate headquarters form dictating decision making to support incubatory ideas from local companies and search for new competencies in the market. This will reflect transnational structure goal Matsushita is trying to achieve and boost creativity and innovation on the local level. Copyright  © 2002, Sergei Vasilyev, University of Nevada Las Vegas, MBA To request permission to reproduce material, e-mail [email  protected] edu

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Consumer Driven Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Consumer Driven Health Care - Essay Example Consumer Driven Health Care (CDHC) is a three-tier health insurance plan that allows individuals to use their health savings accounts, out-of-pocket payments or health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), to pay for health care expenses (Collin et. al., 2005). CDHC allows members to pay for health care services in this way while still their health insurance policy pays for more expensive medical expenses. Health Insurance is highly deductable and costs less when used to pay for health care expenses but for routine health care expenses, an individual pays directly for the expenses through a pre funded account provided by a bank or an insurance plan. 2.0 Goal of Consumer Driven Health Care Consumer driven health care gives an individual the opportunity to pay for routine medical expenses using consumer controlled account instead of the highly deductable fixed health insurance. This is an advantage to the patients because it allows them to have a greater control on their health care budgets. In this consumer driven health care plan, individuals have a role in decision making regarding the care they receive. Patients are able to ask about the cost of a treatment and choose a treatment option that is less expensive. This consumer directed health plan also advices employees on cost and selection of quality services, which enables employees to make informed decisions on their health care (Rowe, et. al., 2008, pp.12-19).... care gives an individual the opportunity to pay for routine medical expenses using consumer controlled account instead of the highly deductable fixed health insurance. This is an advantage to the patients because it allows them to have a greater control on their health care budgets. In this consumer driven health care plan, individuals have a role in decision making regarding the care they receive. Patients are able to ask about the cost of a treatment and choose a treatment option that is less expensive. This consumer directed health plan also advices employees on cost and selection of quality services, which enables employees to make informed decisions on their health care (Rowe, et. al., 2008, pp.12-19). Through the national health care plan, low income earners can also enjoy the benefits of having the consumer driven health care plan because they will be able to afford the health care services. Health care providers respond to the high consumer enrollment to the health plan by fu rther providing quality services at cost effective prices. 3.0 Disadvantage of Consumer Driven Health Care Employees that are enrolled into the consumer driven health care plan tend to pay more for health care services because of the out of pocket payment, compared to those enrolled in traditional payment plans (Collins et. al., 2005, pp.8-23). Low income employees are highly negatively affected by this health care payment plan than high income earners. This is because these employees face the risk of high out of pocket payments and most opt not to receive treatment because of the high expenses. This leads to more ill workers that and has a long-term consequence both to the worker and the employer. Delaying or skipping treatment due to high health care costs affects negatively on an

Discussion Questions 1-6 participation 7- Essay

Discussion Questions 1-6 participation 7- - Essay Example I have noticed that the morale of the employees have been down due to the changes, but the employees still working are pleased that the company has kept them on payroll. A few years ago I worked for a company dedicated to selling automobiles. The changes in the prices of different car models affected the demand for the product. Due to the fact that the demand of cars is elastic the sales managers were able to manipulate the level of sales based on the pricing decision they made. At the end of the year when the new car models were coming in the dealer had to reduce its inventory. The company would have blowout sales to liquidate the lot. The pricing strategy used to increase the demand was to reduce prices. Companies with elastic demands cannot increase revenues by increasing prices. There are other things companies can do to increase revenues that has nothing to do with their pricing strategy. For example a firm can increase their marketing budget in order to generate higher sales. Another way to increase revenues is to increasing the amount of vendors that distribute and sell the company’s products. Expanding into other markets is another good way to increase revenues. An increase in revenue most of the times means more profit. Usually when a company gets more revenues its total profits increase as a consequence. This assumption is not always true because a second factor that must consider along with revenues in order to determine profitability is cost. If the costs or expenses increase more than the increment in revenues the profit of the company will be lower. A decrease in revenues usually means that the profits of the company will go down as well. There are circumstances in which a company’s profit can increase despite a decrease in its revenues. If a firm becomes more efficient at controlling its costs it can lower the cost more than the decrease in revenues. Outsourcing is a strategy used by many companies in order to reduce the cost of doing

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

CISG has too many incosisten provision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CISG has too many incosisten provision - Essay Example United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) Susan J. Martin-Davidson, a Professor of Law at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, has commented that the â€Å"place of business is not defined in the Convention† which is the foremost important consideration in examining whether or not CISG would apply (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). It was said that commentators have proposed that the place of business would refer to â€Å"a permanent and regular place for the transacting of general business† (Honnold, 1989). However, Martin-Davidson says that it is still unclear if such a term would include â€Å"the location of a distributor, or other agent, who participates in the negotiation and performance of the contract† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Even the final draft of CISG, the delegates were unable to address as to the issue if place of business would apply to â€Å"local agents working on behalf of foreign principals† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Martin-Davidson also comments that â€Å"matters relating to agency† are not addressed by the Convention and does not also illustrate what â€Å"activities of an agent† would be adequate to establish that â€Å"the agent's place of business† is that of the principal (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). ... e closest relationship to the contract and its performance† (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1), which place is so provided under Article 10 of the CISG and which basically determines the location of parties under Article 1 of the CISG (Bailey, 1999, 300). In Micro Data Base Systems, Inc. v. Dharma Systems, 148 F.3d 649, 653 (7th Cir. 1998), it explained that â€Å"it is not clear whether a relationship linked to the formation of a contract is more or less important that a relationship linked to its performance.† Such provision is even more complex with the proviso that instructs to have a regard â€Å"to the circumstances known to or contemplated by the parties at any time before or at the conclusion of the contract† (CISG Article 10(a)). No suggestion however is offered as to kind of circumstance referred to in such provision (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). The sale of goods under the CISG is also said not to have been defined under the Convention (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009, 1). Although there have been â€Å"scholarly commentary† explaining that â€Å"goods are basically only moveable, tangible objects,† (Schlechtriem, 2005, 28), there were some reported decisions wherein the court had to decide the meaning of such a term (Landgericht, 2001, 1 & Oberlandesgericht, 1991, 1).  This is especially relevant to the application of CISG on the â€Å"information stored in and read by computers† which include both the â€Å"information stored on a disk or in a computer† considered to be â€Å"intangible property† and not as goods (CISG, Article 2(f)), and the so-called â€Å"licensed use of information,† which does not satisfy â€Å"the seller's obligation to ‘transfer the property in the goods’† under Article 30 of CISG (Martin-Davidson, 2008-2009). Such concern however, was

Monday, August 26, 2019

Prcis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prcis - Essay Example e in the industrialized world, people are growing more dependent on new gadgets, the notion of perpetual growth, chemically fertilized food and drugs that are synthesized chemically. The letter also warns that the present generations are wrongly informed that using fossil energy without consideration for the future is normal. It is shown that the problem with the current use of energy is that more energy is spent to put the technologies in place than is actually produced by the technologies. The realization by governments and politicians that fossil energy is exhaustible is what has led to enmity between high consumers of energy and the supplying nations, often culminating in military aggression and economic depression. Present generations are adviced that turning to solar energy is the best way to guarantee continuous, non-exhaustible energy, but also warned that solar energy cannot support the entire requirements of people that are virtually dependent on energy for livelihoods. Then, the cutting down of ancient forests must stop and the anti-biotech, anti-nuclear, conservation and organic food gardening movements stepped up. On the other hand, Bob Holmes’ Earth without Humans portrays humans as the earth’s most predominant species and imagines what the planet would be like without them. For example, the average eco-footprint, in terms of hectares, is placed at 9.7 for a single US citizen (Holmes 39). Humans have consumed over one third of the planet’s land surface for pastures, farmland and cities in slightly over a few thousand years. The results are messy and include chemical pollution, nuclear waste, mass extinctions, invasive species, drained aquifers, razed forests and, most significantly, the threatening specter of climate change. The document suggests that the earth’s outlook would start getting better once humans are removed from the picture. For instance, 18.7 percent of the earth’s surface would be rescued from the present effects of light

Sunday, August 25, 2019

How has globalization (or regionalisation) impacted public policy Essay

How has globalization (or regionalisation) impacted public policy formulation and implementation in Canada - Essay Example The positive side of globalisation is that it has provided opportunities for streamlining of public policies with the international standards. Technology has become an important tool for implementation of public policies as the government has an efficient platform to communicate and roll out their public policies. While Canada has come under spot for failing to face globalisatio head on, there is evidence that many changes have come up due to the new era. Therefore, it is clear that globalisation has had both negative and positive impacts in the development and implementation of public policies. One impact of globalisation is that it came about with social transformation within the country. The era of internationalisation saw many people move from one region to the other in search for a living or for economic reasons. The result was the formation of a diverse population that demanded new public policies to govern. The employment sector in Canada is one of the areas that experienced as people of different races, culture, religion and color filled the labor market raising a number of issues. The gender-wage gap in particular became a serious issue for Canada as result of globalisation. The gender wage gap in Canada has been a controversial issue since early 1980s when this difference was noted. Cornish and Faraday (2008) noted that women salary for equal position in Ontario is 29% below that of women indicating a wide salary gap across the gender boundaries. A close look at the wage gap trends indicates that there has only been slight improvement in the last 25 years despite the numerous efforts to close this gap. In 1987, before the emergence of wage gap activists, the wage gap was approximately 37% in Ontario. These trends indicate that the efforts to bring down the gap have been undermined and the gap remains wide. Cornish (2009) points out the wage gap has affected aboriginal women who have migrated to Ontario in search for a job. This trend in

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Journalism, Mass Media and Communacation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Journalism, Mass Media and Communacation - Essay Example Examples of entertainment media that have attracted audiences from numerous countries and cultures include television shows such as who wants to be a millionaire, video games such the fighter and sports games and novels such as the Harry Porter series (Schmid and Klimmt,pg.253). These forms of entertainment media have become media artifacts due to there influence and command of audience from different cultures globally. The emergence of J.K Rowling alias Harry Porter novels and movies has brought phenomenal changes and influence in the current print and electronic media. This paper examines the use communication theory in understanding the relationship between media artifacts and global audiences. In order to achieve the above objective, the paper explores the works of Harry Porter that have become a global media artifact. The international penetration and proliferation of entertainment media has impacted and influenced various cultures in different parts of the world and has contrib uted to the transformation and evolution of transcultural global audience. Million copies of Harry Porter book series and films have been distributed and sold worldwide and people continue to be entertained by the book and film series. In mass communication, numerous attempts have been to understand the influence of entertainment media on people and cultures. ... Communication theories can play a significant role in the inquiry and evaluation of entertainment media from Harry Porter and more understanding of the ways in which they contribute to global media artifact database. The audience appreciation of Harry Porter has the key character has been the foundation and key to the success of Harry Porter novels and films. Parasocial interaction theory is one of the communication theories that can help explain the reason why Harry Porter’s book series and films have become a media artifact and a form of global entertainment media. Since time immemorial when television was invented, viewers have reported emotional bonding with media personalities. Parasocial interaction theory is based on the immediate psychological responses of media users to media characters in relation to exposure moments or periods (Griffin,pg.157). Parasocial interaction is exhibited when people respond to a media figure as though he or she or it were a real person. Par asocial interactions definition was originally confined to mean the quasi-social interactions that were exhibited during the duration of the viewing experience but the definition was later expanded to include the long term relationships that are formed between viewers and media figures which is later discussed in this paper under Parasocial relationships (Tuchakinsky,pg.72). Media figures can present themselves in different shapes and forms and they may include newsreaders that we may know or fictional characters whose identity can be ambiguous or difficult to determine. Parasocial interaction seeks to answer the question as whether we are responding to the media

Friday, August 23, 2019

Factors That Contributed To Industrial Revolution In Britain Essay

Factors That Contributed To Industrial Revolution In Britain - Essay Example Important conditions that favored the growth of industrialization in Europe include capitalism, a growth of population, peace and increased cross-border markets for industrial goods. Capitalism encouraged people to own private property and make beneficial contracts among themselves. They realized that there was the need to work harder with the objective of acquiring more property. Capitalism was a motivation that enhanced people’s desire towards making inventions since it was the only way towards wealth accumulation. The growth of population in Britain provided the necessary labor for industries and guaranteed a local market for goods and services. Increased labor and demand constituted the primary motivators for an industrial revolution. Britain peace and tranquility prevailed in Britain; this provided a favorable environment for industrial growth. Industrial investors no longer feared destruction of their property caused by conflicts and wars. People, therefore, volunteered to install machinery for industrial production with no fear of destructive activities. International demand for industrial goods was increasing at high rates as people desired to make their lives easy through the use of machinery. This provided opportunities for marketing Britain’s industrial goods. Increased markets encouraged more production and accelerated industrial revolution. Industrial revolution marked a major turning point in history because it influenced approximately all aspects of people’s daily lives.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethical Decision Making Essay Example for Free

Ethical Decision Making Essay Ethics are important in business and the leader has important role in ethical decision making. A success leader is who has the courage to build his or her company to meet the needs of all the stakeholders, and who recognizes the importance of the service to society. The common theme for the leader play in ethical decision making is trust, fairness, and transparency. First, trust is based on ethical behavior of firm to form a strong base of any long-term business. Thus, leaders must act what they believe based on their strong value of religion, education, and family. Secondly, ethics refer to the fairness for making any decision or adjustment. Therefore, leaders should consider would their decision be fair for everyone affected by it before any action taken. Finally, it is important in such a way that is easy for others to see what actions are performed. Leader with well transparency would be happy to make the decision in public, especially to the people affected by it. Making the ethical decision is the duty of ethical leaders to instill these principles and face its sequential challenges. Business leaders must energize employees at all levels, utilizing a comprehensive set of methods to promote and recognize ethical actions. What must be in place for ethical decision making to occur in a business? In business, ethics is an essential configuration of leadership. The leader needs to make ethical decision when the business operators make competitive, strategic and tactical decisions that affect both stockholders and stakeholders such as downsizing and outsourcing. According to â€Å"How leader can be ethical role models† article, 79 percent of teens surveyed said they felt prepared to make ethical decisions when they enter the workforce. However, 38 percent said it is sometimes necessary to cheat, steal, lie or behave violently to succeed. Many leaders are now torn between company profits and doing the right thing. They are also torn between doing what is right for the company long-term and what is good for their careers in the short-term.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Using Operant Conditioning to Increase Productivity Among Workers Essay Example for Free

Using Operant Conditioning to Increase Productivity Among Workers Essay If I would be a manager of a large automobile factory, I would be interested in increasing the productivity among all workers. A good tool for this is Operant Conditioning. I would have 3 types of workers: white collar office employees, factory line workers, and quality control employees. I would use different techniques for each type. For quality control workers I would use punishment. If they didn’t notice a defect in the product that they were supposed to check, they would get a fine taken off their paycheque. I would use fixed ration scheduling for punishment, so that every mistake is noticed and punished. This will make them extra careful, and will increase the quality of the product on the market. This form of treatment – punishment – might make them angry. But they can’t express their anger on me because I’m their manager and I might fire them. So they will be angry with workers and will be checking product for defects with special passion. For white-collar office employees and for factory line workers I would use Positive reinforcement. This technique will bring enthusiasm and optimism to workers, will create positive environment, and will increase their productivity. If I will reword workers for extra work done, or for being done the assignment before the due date, I will strengthen their motivation for work because it is followed by the presentation of reward (money added to the pay check). I would use variable ratio schedule for the rewords to be given out, meaning that on average I will reward every 5th outstanding achievement. I would not choose variable interval, because giving reward simply after a period of time wouldn’t bring the response as fast and efficient as I want.

Physical Abuse Of Women In The Home Criminology Essay

Physical Abuse Of Women In The Home Criminology Essay The role of women in the development of any country cannot be overemphasized. Women play significant roles in the upbringing of children and in the maintenance of family harmony. Violence perpetrated on women in the home and outside the home has adverse effects on individuals within the family and society in general both in emotional and physical wellbeing. Sexual abuse is a significant aspect of domestic violence. If unchecked, the goal of having a healthy and balanced society is deeply threatened. Variables and factors which occur in varying proportions act as catalysts in determining or influencing human behaviour and actions in general and human behaviour in the home in particular. In examining physical and sexual abuse of women in the home, concepts and definitions are explored. In addition to the review of relevant literature, which would cover both international and Nigerian studies, this article examines perspectives and theories that seek to explain this social problem and c rime as applicable. These perspectives have been grouped into the following historical (to identify the origins of domestic violence); psychological which includes psychiatric approaches (concentrating on the individual offender and victim); sociological or socio-cultural (emphasis on institutions, structures, socialization, subculture of violence; and economic explanations. Feminist perspectives are incorporated in these explanations. Through the use of interviews, current opinions of stakeholders on this subject (legal practitioners, interest groups and the police) with regard to the Nigeria experience are discussed. Finally, possible remedies and treatment of the abused, and batterer shall be discussed. THE CONCEPT OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE The physical abuse of women in the home falls under the umbrella of domestic violence. However, in any relationship or family, the physical dwelling or home is a residential unit, abuse can occur in any location. On domestic violence, according to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (2012): Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, battering, family violence, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is a pattern of behavior which involves the abuse by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such as marriage, cohabitation, dating or within the family. Domestic violence can take many forms, including physical aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects, battery), or threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking; passive/covert abuse (e.g., neglect); and economic deprivation. The focus of this article is mainly the female victim in the home. Other victims of abuse within the home include children, males or husbands, the elderly and domestic helps. Violence against children and women get reported to authourities more often than those associated with males. Domestic violence against a male victim is difficult to determine, as the male victim is usually reluctant to get help or report incidents for a variety of reasons such a negative response and attitude from law enforcement agencies, including the notion that there appears to be a high degree of acceptance of aggression against men by women (Wikipedia, 2012). What is physical and sexual abuse? Domestic violence covers physical and sexual violations for which there are provisions in the statute books for offences associated with it. Other forms of domestic violence such as child abuse and the abuse of the elderly are not part of the subject for discussion in this article, though relevant examples from other victims of abuse in the home shall be highlighted. In this paper, attention is on the physical and sexual abuse of women or the wife. The Real Life Dictionary of Law (Hill and Hill, 1995) defined the following concepts and offences: Domestic violence The continuing crime and problem of the physical beating of a wife, girlfriend or children, usually by the womans male partner (although it can be female violence against a male); Assault the threat or attempt to strike another, whether successful or not, provided the target is aware of the danger; and Battery the actual intentional striking of someone, with intent to harm, or in a rude and insolent manner even if the injury is slightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It is often coupled with assault (which does not require actual touching). A form of domestic violence on women in the home is sexual abuse. Sexual violations or offences can be categorized into buggery, indecent assault, indecency between males, rape, unlawful intercourse with a girl under 13 and under 16 years, incest, procreation, abduction, bigamy, soliciting by a man, and gross indecency with a child (Hanmer and Saunders, 1984). In a Dictionary of Law, A husband can be convicted for raping his wife, and a boy under the age of 14 can be guilty of rape. The maximum penalty for rape or attempted rape is life imprisonment, but this is rarely imposedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (Martin, (ed.), 1994). In England and Wales, the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (amended), defines rape as forced penile penetration of the victims vagina or anus by a male where the female is not consenting. This definition now includes sexual acts such as anal intercourse, oral sex, or penetration of the vagina by other objects (Painter and Farrington, 1997). Other forms of violence within the domestic domain honor killings, acid attacks and dowry violence. According to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, (2012) an honor killing is the homicide of a member of a family or social group by other members, due to the belief of the perpetrators that the victim has brought dishonor upon the family or community. It is also noted that dishonour could include refusing to enter into an arranged marriage or the woman committing adultery. Also, another form is dowry violence and bride burning, which is known to occur in places such as South Asia, and bride burning is a form of the man or husbands discontent over the dowry provided by her family. It is said to be a problem in countries such as India. Another form of violence or abuse against women which has also been occurring in Nigeria involves the use of acids or corrosive chemicals. Acid bathe is the pouring of corrosive substance on someone. According to Eze-Anaba, (2007) this could cause permanent disfigurement of the victims, and unfortunately acids are readily available on the streets for purchase. She noted that acid baths first gained public attention in 1990 when a former beauty queen was attacked by her boyfriend because she refused to renew their relationship. Acid attack or vitriolage could occur out of jealousy or revenge, and the acid is usually thrown on the face, with long term effects such as blindness and permanent scarring of the face and body (Wikipedia, 2012). Certain countries with reports of such attacks include Pakistan, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and India. LITERATURE AND RESEARCH ON THE ABUSE OF WOMEN IN THE HOME A number of studies have been carried out on the abuse of women in the home. These studies include that of the effects of domestic violence or wife abuse on the family in general and the woman in particular. Some research has also been carried out on possible remedies and treatment for the victims and the offenders. Historically, prior to the mid-1800s, most legal systems accepted wife beating as a valid exercise of a husbands authority over his wife. Later, political agitation during the nineteenth century led changes in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States. For instance, in 1850, Tennessee became the first state in the United States to explicitly outlaw wife beating. Womens movement of the1970s especially as it concerned feminism and womens rights gained a lot of attention. In England and Wales for the years 1885-1905, out of 497 murders committed by men, 124 were women murdered by their husbands, 115 were mistresses or lovers of their assailants and over 50% of all murdered victims were women with long relationships with the male murderer (MacDonald, 1911). The work of Wolfgang (1958) in Philadelphia revealed that during the 1950s the number of wives assaulted by their husbands constituted 41% of all women who were killed. In his study, only 10% of the murder cases were committed by wives. Wolfgang (1958) concluded that the home was the most frequent setting for severe violence. In another study, Dobash and Dobash (1979) revealed that 109 women interviewed reported 32,000 assaults during their marriages, but only 517 of these assaults (less than 2%) were reported to the police. They discovered that women rarely reported to friends, neighbours, doctors and social workers because of their expectation that the violent acts would soon discontinue, the anti cipated family shame, and desire to save the marriage especially because of the children. Other reasons include anticipated financial difficulty and psychological pressure in divorce proceedings. The national Survey of Wives in Great Britain carried out to determine the prevalence of violence by husbands and rape of wives in and outside marriage revealed that out of a quota sample of 1,007 wives, 228% of wives had been hit by their husbands, while 13% of them had sexual intercourse with their husbands against their will. Lower class wives and separated or divorced wives were likely to have been assaulted. In total, 22% of wives had been raped inside or outside marriage (Painter and Farrington, 1997). Further, based on 19,301,000 ever married women in Great Britain aged 18-54 in 1991 (Office of National Statistics, 1997), it was estimated that between 2,483,000 and 3,162,000 women have been hit by their husbands. Also, between 1,761,000 and 2,379,000 women have been threatened by their husbands, and between 2,936,000 and 3,657,000 have been hit or threatened by their husbands (Painter and Farrington, 1997). On rape, it was analysed that one in seven British wives had been rape d, and nearly all the raped wives (94.4%) were raped by their husbands when they lived together and on different occasions (painter and Farrington, 1997). A study in Papua New Guinea in 1982 revealed tht in the 19 villages sampled, 67% of rural wives had been hit by either their husbands and 66% of rural husbands accepted that they had hit their wives. Marital rape was said to be very common and is allowed by law (Bradley, 1994). In Brazil, reports gathered from the womens Delegacias (special police unit formed to address issues of domestic violence and other related cases) in a 1987 study of over 2,000 battery cases registered at the Sao Paulo delegacia from August to December 1985 revealed that over 70% of all reported crime against women occurred in the home (Thomas, 1994). In India before the abolition of the Sati rite practice in 1829 by the British, Narasimhan (1994) recounts, saying violence is not only attributed to physical battery or rape, and that culturally before 1829 in India, widows burned themselves to death on the late husbands pyre (pile of wood) to become a stati, exalted and deified. Surprisungly, in 1987 an 18 year old girl performed this rite. Furthermore, dowry deaths are common in situations where the woman commits suicide or endures whatever abuse in the home rather than have her parents disgraced by returning to their home or leaving the husband. Narasimhan (1994) noted that there still exists a pervasive belief governing the social perception of women as complete servants to their husbands. In African and Nigerian societies in particular, Eze-Anaba, (2007) observed that many of the victims do not speak out about violations of their rights because of the poor response from society. However, she noted that the situation has improved over the years through international and local policies and laws. She cites the examples of documents, the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Beijing Platform for Action at the international level. Eze-Anaba, (2007) noted that Nigeria has incorporated the United Nations Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, and the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child into domestic law. The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights has also been incorporated in Nigeria. However, she observed that Nigeria is a country where international human rights instruments have yet to be incorporated into domestic laws. According to Eze-Anaba (2007) examples of research in Nigeria include that of a survey carried out by Project Alert in 2001 women and girls in Nigeria were asked about abuses within the family unit. This survey revealed that in a particular state, Lagos, more than half of the participants confirmed their partners, boyfriends, or husband had beaten them. Reasons for the assault included drunkenness, financial problems and refusing to have sex with the perpetrator. A good number of the participants had reported the abuse to family members, the perpetrators family and to their religious leaders while some just endured the abuse. Interestingly there was no report of any respondent filing a complaint with the police or seeking redress in court (Eze-Anaba, 2007). Research conducted within the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja by Owonibi (2008) revealed that the mean age of respondents who have experienced domestic violence within the home was 32 years. It was also observed that incidents of domestic violence decreases with age for instance from 41 years and above. This study highlighted that within the home, children and women are often victimized compared to males. Awusi, Okeleke, and Anyanwu, (2009) in a study on the prevalence of domestic violence during pregnancy in the Oleh community in Nigeria observed that domestic violence against pregnant women could expose victims to higher risk of complications during pregnancy. Using a questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study, from 400 pregnant women attending the ante-natal clinic of the Central Hospital at Oleh., 92% of the women showed complete knowledge of domestic violence, and 36% had experienced domestic violence during pregnancy. Further, domestic violence experienced were verbal (58%), physical (31%) and sexual (11%) abuses. The husband was the main offender (92%), and 77% of the women would rather keep the experience of domestic violence during pregnancy secret. Awusi et al (2009) noted that domestic violence against women cuts across ages, ethnicity, religion and educational status. Also, common risk factors include low socio-economic and educational status, early marriage, alcohol and s ubstance abuse by the partner and unemployment. They assert that the impact of domestic violence on pregnant women is increasingly being recognized as an important public health issue. Idogo, (2011) studied the effects of domestic violence on pre-school children She noted that some empirical studies show that children growing up in violent families are vulnerable to low cognition, and are likely to engage in youth violence, adult violence tendencies, and other forms of criminality. She also observed that in Nigeria, pre school children are tutored and raised up under the culture of violence. For instance, physically abused, punished and beaten for any misbehaviour in the home and in the classroom. Starvation is also employed as a form sanction in some families. Also children are often given adult tasks, such as going to the farm and market, and even used as guardians of younger children. Further, family violence could be transferred to the children especially from their mothers who tend to express their frustrations on their children. Thus, pre school children regress developmentally, and exhibit various forms of behavioural disorders, such as insomnia, nightmare , anxiety and violence towards their mates. The male perpetrator This is difficult to come by as men do not usually file complaints officially. However, information about the male batterer usually comes from the staff and residents of shelters of battered women (Roberts, 1981). The childhood experience and other variables are not normally taken into consideration in describing the batterer (Smith, 1989). In his treatment of 42 men, Smith observed certain features of male batterers, some of which were that as children, 21% of them were physically abused, 7% were sexually abused, 45% saw their mothers abused, 93% had battered previous partners, 62% were under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, 50% were currently involved with the Criminal Justice System, and 45% have been violent with others outside the family. Batterers usually deny their violent behavior due to embarrassment, guilt and shame (Walker, 1978). Some are also known to have low self-esteem (Falk, 1977), and project their anger from previous experiences into marriage. Societal responses to spousal abuse The effects of wife abuse can be categorized into physical i.e. extensive injuries to death (Dobash and Dobash, 1974) and psychological like symptoms of stress, weight loss or gain (Smith, 1989). This could result to thoughts of suicide (Stanko, 1985). Gayford (1978) revealed that suicide attempts were common and often repeated by battered women in his sample. Children are also known to suffer physically (miscarriages, still birth and other injuries) and psychologically from domestic violence with boys being most affected behaviourally (Jaffe, et al. 1986 and Wolfe, et al. 1985). How society responds to domestic violence is significant for treatment and rehabilitation. On Social Responses and Treatment, in the laws, changes have occurred in statute books in most parts of the world deliberately addressing domestic violence. For example, in Britain, The Homeless Persons Act of 1977-78 makes battered women a priority group for housing. However, Smith (1989) noted that the problems with legal remedies are in its complexity and delays in civil matters (especially in the burden of proof) unlike the criminal laws governing domestic violence. Closely associated with the law is the police who usually exercise their discretion in handling violent offences in the home in particular (Black, 1971). It was observed that the police are more likely to wave arrests of husbands for various abusive offences and the judicial responses usually neglects the same pattern in treatment and sanctions which are usually mild like fines and probation (Dobash and Dobash, 1979). The main argument being that prosecution and arrests may destroy the marriage coupled with the fact t hat most women do not usually press charges and testify in court. For Dobash and Dobash (1979) the system actually discourages and frustrates women with deliberately prolonged court proceedings and on the contrary, most women in their study actually followed up their case up to the final adjudication. According to Smith (1989), vigorous arrest policy would demonstrate social disapproval and might act as a deterrent to further violence. Welfare associations formed by the government and interested groups also play important roles in counseling, provision of refuge accommodation, and assisting in pursuing complaints to a logical conclusion. Maye and Timms (1970) observed that the orientation of staff or members of a welfare association can determine which cases they think are serious since they usually lack sufficient resources for their activities. The Womens Aid Federation of England declares its objectives as follows to eradicate and inform the public, the media, the police, the courts, the social services and other authourities with respect to the battery of women, mindful of the fact that this is a result of the general position of women in society (Smith, 1989). Other important groups relevant to remedies are the medical practitioners who usually treat injuries of abused women. They could intervene by counseling and other necessary actions within the law. For Dobash and Dobash, a conspiracy of silence often exis ts between doctor and patient. Family and friends are useful especially in giving emotional support to the victim. Citing examples from the Laws of Northern Nigeria, Criminal Code Act (1990), Cap 77 Eze-Anaba, (2007) noted that some provisions of the law, rather than protecting women from domestic violence, could encourage offenders by giving them opportunities to escape sanctions. She further stated that for instance, in Sec. 55 (1)d of the Penal Code a man is empowered to correct children, pupil, servant or wife. For Eze-Anaba (2007: 37), since there is no law against domestic violence in Nigeria, at best a victim who seeks protection under the law will rely on the provisions of the Criminal Code on common assault. The Criminal Code considers assault on a woman as a misdemeanor while assault on a man is a felony. Laws concerning domestic violence differ between countries. According to Wikipedia, (2012) most countries in the western world regard it as illegal, but this is not the case in some developing countries. The country Russia is cited where there is no law specifying domestic violence as a crime, even though physical violence is illegal. Another example is from the United Arab Emiratess where in 2010 a Supreme Court ruled that a man has the right to physically discipline his wife and children as long as he doesnt leave physical marks. The Encyclopedia also notes that social acceptability of domestic violence also varies between country. Eze-Anaba, (2007) observed that impediments to legal redress by women in Nigeria include lack of access to justice as they are not aware of their rights and do not have access to institutions that can remedy violations of such rights. Illiteracy is said to be one of the reasons for this situation. The formal legal system in Nigeria is said to be exorbitant for most Nigerians and especially poor women. Also, poor law enforcement riddled with corruption and stereotypes in favour of males are problems to contend with. Further, the tripartite legal system has its issues as elucidated by Eze-Anaba (2007:55) as follows: The Nigerian legal system is made up of three different systems of law: the statutory law, religious law, and customary law. Statutory laws include the Constitution, laws made by the government, and government policies. There are different types of religious groups in Nigeria with different laws for their members. The common ones are Christianity, Muslim/Islamic, and traditional religious laws. Customary laws include laws of diverse people of Nigeria, which govern personal matters like marriage, children, and inheritance. These three types of law are enforced by three types of courts namely the formal courts: customary courts in Southern Nigeria and Shari a courts in Norther n Nigeria. In principle, statutory law takes precedence over all other laws. In practice however, things are different. In the Northern part of the country, the predominant religion is Islam. Statutory laws are not necessarily more protective of women. The judicial system is male dominated and reflects the prejudices and stereotypes of the wider societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ THEORIES/THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Why are women abused in the home? The various explanations have been categorized into the historical, psychological, socio-cultural, feminist and multi-dimensional or integrative perspectives. From a historical perspective, studies reveal that wife abuse emanated from the enabling environment in the history of most cultures and societies which encouraged and condoned it. For Dobash and Dobash (1979), the physical abuse of women more especially wives is an expression of patriarchical (male headship of an organization or institution) domination. Since the legal, political, economic and ideological structures supported this, men used these avenues to possess, control and oppress their wives. For example, with regard to religion, the Christian account of mans creation, and the creation of the woman to meet his needs created a moral ideology that justified the subjugation of women especially in the marriage institution which provides a conducive atmosphere for the assault and physical abuse of women (Dobash and Dobash, 1979). In most traditional communities especially in Arica, women are viewed as part of the husbands asset or property. Thus, her treatment depends on his discre tion. Sexual violence relates to contempt of female qualities and rape is part of the culture of male dominance (Sanday, 1979). Akin to the emphasis on patriarchy is the feminist perspective. With regard to violence against women, this perspective draws attention to patriarchal societies that encourage patriarchal family structures that ascribes power in the home and in other areas of human endeavour to men (Power, 1988: 133). This creates the environment and opportunity for abuse and exploitation. The psychological perspective focuses its explanation on anomalies in the personalities of the offender and victim in this discussion these are the male batterer and the abused woman. In other words, under the psychological perspective, psychoanalytical theories focus on the individuals psychological makeup that encourages and accepts abusive behavior. Hyde-Nolan and Juliao (2012) draw attention to psychodynamic theories, one of which is the Object Relations Theory associated with character molding. According to Fairbairn (1952), this theory suggests that humans are motivated early in their childhood by the need of significant relationships with people in and out of the family unit. Thus, early relationships play a role in the individuals psychic development and consequently forms an enduring psychological template for future interactions and relationships (Hyde-Nolan and Juliao, 2012). They also state that first experiences usually comes from ones primary caregiver. For Zosky (1999) initial life experiences, if positive and adequate contributes significantly to the emotional health of the individual later in life. Thus individuals that experience poor nurturing during infancy and childhood may grapple with issues such as self-esteem, poor anxiety management and the inability to regulate emotions or emotional responses in the course of their lives. According to Zosky, (1999) it has been found that somen that engaged in intimate partner violence (IPV), had inadequate nurturing in their early years of development. Dutton et al (1996) also found that parental rejection and violence in the family was highly correlated to intimate partner violence in adulthood. From another perspective, it has been argued that people adapt to abusive situations having acquired the skills from childhood, and this may encourage victims to remain in an abusive relationship or household in their adulthood (Blizard and Bluhn, 1994). In sum in studies, Faulk (1974) and Gayford (1975) presented the male batterer as mentally ill, neurotic or disturbed. For Smith (1989), the focus on the pathological aspect of the abuser neglects the social, cultural and situational factors. Walkate, (1989) noted that this explanation does not bring into focus the recurring patterns of victimization since it focuses mainly on the individual in particular situations. The sociological or socio-cultural explanation consists of other sub-perspectives such as the subculture of violence, social learning, socio-cultural, control theory, conflict and economic inequality theories. According to Goode, (1971) if force does not exist, the structure of the family will be destroyed and the family like other social institutions requires or depends on force or its threat for its control. Husbands are most likely to use such force. Strauss (1973 and 1976) laid emphasis on deviant authourity cultures as the source of violence in homes as likely reaction when the wife is dominant in decision making. Smith (1989) using socio-cultural analysis explains violence in the home as a response to frustration, stress and blocked goals like in relative poverty, unemployment and poor working conditions. Hence, control theorists argue that the need to obtain power and control within the family or within relationships is a source of conflict. Hence, the threat of force is a common tool used against weaker members of the family such as women, children and the elderly. Thus in an attempt to secure and maintain control, the abuser may adopt methods such as intimidation, coercion, isolation, denial of personal responsibility or blame and economic abuse. Resorting to violence as a result of loss of control could occur as result of the influence of substances for example alcohol causes people to lose control, in addition to the inability to control anger and frustration. In turn, the abused or victim in an attempt to survive modify their behavior to suit their abuser (Bostock, et al 2002). This can also be referred to as learned helplessness the outcome of repeated abuse, which eventually prevents the victim from resisting the violence or leaving the relationship. On the subculture of violence, Wolfgang and Feracuti (1967) view violence as the outcome of a socialization process or subcultural patterns existing in certain societal groups. For Levi (1994), this theory does not adequately explain the origin of the subculture in the first place. However, Box (1994) argued that the existence of a culture of masculinity and within that, a subculture of violence creates these abuses of women as within our culture to be a real man is to be strong, powerful, independent, being able to always overcome resistance, and other attributes often measured by the number of sexual conquests. In socio-learning theory, social theories give attention to the learning process of abusive and violent behavior and how they are transferred to members of the family or group as the case may be. Closely associated with social learning theories are the cognitive behavior explanations that focus on the learning and transfer of abusive, violent and aggressive behavior between individuals. According to Capell and Heiner, (1990) research has found that young adults who witnessed and experienced domestic violence as children are more likely to be in an intimate relationship as either an abuser or victim. It is believed that criminal behavior is learned and the use of violence is a learnrd response from the company of others, gangs, groups or police enforcement techniques (Sutherland and Cressey, 1966). For Bandura (1973), aggression is learned through imitation (modeling) and sustained through reinforcements during the individuals life. Other socio-learning theorists are Schultz (1960), Snell, Rosenwald and Robey (1964). These proponents believe that he source of violence is a s a result of unfulfilled childhood experiences and deviant marital relationships (Dobash and Dobash, 1979). Studies that have focused on children suggest that experiences throughout life influence an individuals propensity to engage in family violence (either as a victim or as a perpetrator) (Wikipedia, 2012). Thus, researchers have identified childhood socialization, previous experiences in couple relationships during adolescence, and levels of strain in a persons current life are likely explanations for domestic violence. Thus domestic violence is a learned behavior through observation, experience and reinforcement. It can be learned in cultures, within families and in communities, such as schools, peer groups and workplaces. Hyde-Nolan and Juliao (2012) drew attention to the Violence as Trauma Theory, which argues how the victim of abuse process their traumatic experience in life can have an impact in their behavior and how the cope

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Macbeth 10 :: essays research papers

MACBETH CHOICE 2 - Compare the changes in Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as a result of the murder of King Duncan. How are they before the murder, and what happens to each of them and their relationship after the initial murder? What I know of Macbeth I believe that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were quite greedy and selfish. Macbeth was forced into his own fate by the greed of his wife. Lady Macbeth let popularity and the Queenship get to her and she practically made Macbeth murder Duncan the King of Scotland. She knew once Duncan was dead Macbeth would become Kind and then she would automatically be casted Queen. Before the murder Lady Macbeth plays the role of boss, in my opinion she tells Macbeth what to do every step of the way. Lady Macbeth is calm, excited, very greedy and quite ambitious as her husband, she taunts Macbeth’s courage to insure that he will murder Duncan and become King. Macbeth is a little bit more on a different path. Macbeth is one of Duncan’s most courageous generals, his driving ambition to become King of Scotland corupts him and causes him to murder Duncan and order the slaying of anyone who threatens his Kingship. When Macbeth murders Duncan he then on watches everyone around him. Being scared that he will be founded. Banquo is Macbeth’s closest friend and also a general in Duncan’s army. Soon after Macbeth murders Duncan, Macbeth fears that Banquo suspects him of murdering Duncan, so Macbeth once again jumps to conclusions and he arranges to have Banquo murdered. At this point I believe that Macbeth would be quite scared because he has his closest friend killed for thinking Banquo knew that Macbeth murdered Duncan. At this point Lady Macbeth is isolated and not involved in the plan. She attempts to lighten Macbeth’s mood. They are both restless and sleepless. Macbeth during a dinner see’s Banquo’s ghost twice. Macbeth is completely unnerved and ready to blurt out his guilt to those assembled, but quick thinking Lady Macbeth gets to him before he can do that. She dismisses everyone present. At this moment in time after the murder Macbeth is scared and feels utterly guilty. When Macduff, a Scottish general gets on the scene, Macduff strongly suspects Macbeth of murdering Duncan. When the accusation gets out Macbeth immediately has Macduff’s family murdered. Macduff then swears vengeance to kill Macbeth. Everything is moving so fast and by this time everyone suspects Macbeth of murdering Duncan, at this time Lady Macbeth’s fear and remorse eventually causes her to go mad. Lady Macbeth now is quite ill, sleepwalking and talking in her sleep.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Identity in The Color of Water :: water

Identity in The Color of Water The American Dictionary defines identity as the distinct personality of an individual. Many factors make up one's identity, such as race, one's relationship with society, and religion. People seek other people who with they can identify. One must interact with others and learn from his interests and their responses to find a suitable group. The process of finding a group allows one to discover his or her own identity. Through The Color of Water, James McBride demonstrates that one perceives his identity through feedback from others as well as through his own thoughts and emotions. One aspect of identity where feedback can be given almost instantaneously is race, as it involves a person's skin color. Young children often ignore each others' races unless they are taught or given reason to do otherwise. McBride's race came to his attention at an early age. He noticed that both black people and white people stared at his white mother with her black family, letting him know that his family was different from what was considered normal and acceptable by society. Comparing skin color with his mother, he noticed that her skin was white while his was black. He became confused about his own color and uncomfortable with the fact that his mother was white. He wanted to be accepted by others, and he thought that life "would be easier if [his family was] just one color, black or white" (103). McBride became aware of his race at a younger age than most children. While he was comparing skin color with others, I was unconcerned about my race because people of similar skin colo r surrounded me. I was aware of black people, but, because most people that were around me were white, I never felt alienated because of my race. Also, my family was made up of one race, so I did not share McBride's confusion about his color. Because of his uncertainty, he was unsure of how he fit into society. By analyzing his thoughts and emotions and others' feedback, one can also discover where he fits in relation to society when he experiments with different groups of people. McBride felt that his mother's color was hindering him, so he began his "own process of running, emotionally disconnecting [himself] from her" (138). Though he was previously an outstanding student, he dropped out of school and began his search for someone with whom he could identify.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Beatles :: Essay on The Beatles

The Beatles are even today known as the greatest and most influential act of the rock era. They introduced more innovations into popular music than any other rock band of the 20th century. Moreover, they were among the few artists of any genre that were simultaneously the best at what they did, and the most popular at what they did. They were also the first British rock group to achieve worldwide prominence, launching a British Invasion that made rock truly an international phenomenon. Guitarist and teenage rebel John Lennon got hooked on rock & roll in the mid-'50s, and formed a band, the Quarrymen, at his high school. Around mid-1957, the Quarrymen were joined by another guitarist, Paul McCartney. A bit later they were joined by another guitarist, George Harrison, a friend of McCartney's. As the line up of the Quarrymen grew and depleted, the Quarrymen were eventually reduced to the trio of guitarists: Lennon, McCartney and Harrison. The Quarrymen changed their name to the Silver Beatles in 1960, quickly dropping the "Silver" to become just the Beatles. Lennon's college friend Stuart Sutcliffe joined on bass, but finding a permanent drummer was a problem until Pete Best joined in 1960. Although the Beatles had "artfully combin[ed] the best of American musical influences , the vocal style of black rhythm and blues groups from the 1950s, the primitive excitement of rock 'n' roll, the flair of Elvis, and the slickness of the American "hit parade"" (Assayas, 26) they hadn't fully developed , and some of their early recordings were issued only after the band's rise to fame. Near the end of 1961, the Beatles' exploding local popularity caught the attention of local record store manager Brian Epstein, who was soon managing the band as well. He used his contacts to acquire a January 1, 1962, audition at Decca Records. After weeks of deliberation, Decca turned them down, as did several other British labels. Epstein's perseverance was finally rewarded with an audition for producer George Martin at Parlophone, an EMI subsidiary; Martin signed the Beatles in mid-1962. By this time, Epstein was grooming the band for national success by influencing them to get rid of their leather jackets and throw on a suit and tie.One more major change was kicking Pete Best out of the band. Best was replaced by Ringo Starr. As each of the groups singles sold over a million copies in the U.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Pain Management Essay

Joshi, G., & Kehlet, H. (2013). Procedure-specific Pain Management: The Road to Improve Postsurgical Pain Management?. Anesthesiology, 118(4), 780-782. . This article explained that good pain management is known to produce many benefits for the postoperative patient. However, the article goes on to explain that treating postoperative pain is still a major issue with inadequate postoperative patient pain relief remaining high. The article discussed how the Joint Commission declared pain the â€Å"fifth vital sign†. And that the Joint Commission has determined not all pain could be eliminated, but that goal-related therapy may be suitable. The article concluded by explaining that there was a need for evidence-based procedure specific pain management guidelines. I found this to be an interesting concept that the article presented. In summary the authors believed we could better manage pain based on knowing the type and amount of pain usually caused based on the type of surgery. Zuccaro, S., Vellucci, R., Sarzi-Puttini, P., Cherubino, P., Labianca, R., & Fornasari, D. (2012). Barriers to Pain Management. Clinical Drug Investigation, 32(S1), 11-19. This article started by showing that although there are many techniques to alleviate pain there are even more barriers to effective pain management. With these many barriers leading to a large number of patients not receiving the best pain control. The abstract went on to give examples of the different types of barriers for patients, physicians, and health care institutions. The author believed that identifying and acknowledging these barriers was the beginning to overcoming them. The abstract concluded that health care providers need to be more aware of their patient’s as well as their own cognitive, emotional, and behavioral barriers in order to achieve optimal pain management. Sinatra, R. (2010). Causes and Consequences of Inadequate Management of Acute Pain. Pain Medicine, 11(12), 1859-1871. This article started off by showing that acute pain affects millions of patients every year. This author also agreed that even with the increased  focus on pain management patients pain control continues to be subpar. The purpose of the authors’ study was also to determine barriers to effective pain management as well as consequences to ineffective pain control. This was achieved by completing a review of recent literature regarding the subject of pain management. The study determined that physicians and patients attitudes and educational barriers as well as limited available therapies lead to inadequate pain management. The authors concluded that studies on the use of multiple analgesics with different mechanisms of action could improve the efficiency as well as adverse effects over the single agent approach. Schatman, M. E. (2011). The Role of the Health Insurance Industry in Perpetuating Suboptimal Pain Management. Pain Medicine, 12(3), 415-426. This article started by sharing that pain practitioners function according to medical ethics while health care insurers operate under business ethics of cost and profit. The authors believe that the health insurance industry continues to fail at servicing those suffering from chronic pain and instead the industry stays focused on serving itself. The essay focused on the different self-serve strategies used by the health insurance industry including efforts to falsify chronic pain and its treatments. In conclusion the author felt that the future outlook for those with chronic pain was not good until a not-for-profit single payer system replaced the current self-serving health care insurance industry. Loder, E., Witkower, A., McAlary, P., Huhta, M., & Matarrazzo, J. (2003). Rehabilitation hospital staff knowledge and attitudes regarding pain. American Journal Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Association Of Academic In summary this article was based on a study that focused on inpatient care staff and their knowledge related to pain. A survey was conducted with hospital staff regarding attitudes and experience related to pain care responsibilities. This study showed the staff rated personal lack of education regarding pain management as the main barrier to effective pain management. It also showed that the majority of staff surveyed felt  uncomfortable with many aspects of pain management including the use of opioids in the treatment plan. The study went on to discuss how the findings could be used to improve pain management in the hospital setting going forward including staff education. Niruban, A., Biswas, S., Willicombe, S., & Myint, P. (2010). An audit on assessment and management of pain at the time of acute hospital admission in older people. International Journal Of Clinical Practice, 64(10), 1453-1457. This study focused on pain being more prevalent in older people and how well that pain is assessed and managed in the emergency environment. The study was performed at a hospital in West Norfolk, UK on 140 patients with acute pain hospital admissions. The pain management of these patients were evaluated for 24 hours after admission. The study findings concluded that pain management was not optimal for these patients. The study also showed that management of pain would have been better with scheduled monitoring, education, and better assessment. Personal review: This review of literature has positively impacted my understanding of pain management in many ways. These articles opened my eyes to how important of a role pain control plays in the overall success of the patient. The studies showed how pain management directly effects overall patient outcome. If pain control is handled optimally then positive patient outcome goes up and vice versa. Before this review I knew pain management was important, but I didn’t realize how important with it directly being related to overall patient outcome. This literature also helped me to recognize that health insurance practices play a major role in patient care. The health insurance industry sets many guidelines that determine how and when care is given to our patients. One of the articles focused on how the insurance industry is guided by business ethics with profit being the most important focus. While care providers are guided by medical ethics with positive patient care being the priority. Finally, this review opened my eyes to the many barriers in the way of proper pain management for patients. I now realize that there are patient, provider, and institute barriers effecting optimal pain management as well as many others. And that these barriers include educational, personal attitudes, beliefs, and more. This review helped me realize that identifying and acknowledging these barriers is the first step in overcoming these barriers in order to provide the best pain control and best total care to my patients. References Joshi, G., & Kehlet, H. (2013). Procedure-specific Pain Management: The Road to Improve Postsurgical Pain Management?. Anesthesiology, 118(4), 780-782. Loder, E., Witkower, A., McAlary, P., Huhta, M., & Matarrazzo, J. (2003). Rehabilitation hospital staff knowledge and attitudes regarding pain. American Journal Of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Association Of Academic Niruban, A., Biswas, S., Willicombe, S., & Myint, P. (2010). An audit on assessment and management of pain at the time of acute hospital admission in older people. International Journal Of Clinical Practice, 64(10), 1453-1457. Schatman, M. E. (2011). The Role of the Health Insurance Industry in Perpetuating Suboptimal Pain Management. Pain Medicine, 12(3), 415-426. Sinatra, R. (2010). Causes and Consequences of Inadequate Management of Acute Pain. Pain Medicine, 11(12), 1859-1871. Zuccaro, S., Vellucci, R., Sarzi-Puttini, P., Cherubino, P., Labianca, R., & Fornasari, D. (2012). Barriers to Pain Management. Clinical Drug Investigation, 32(S1), 11-19.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Human Rights and Present Human Freedom

Freedom is a concept that refers to many aspects of human life. I believe that is defined as the ability that people have to do or not something, and do it in a way or another. I also believe that is possible to understand freedom as that state in which a man is not being imprisoned or enslaved by another; it is a concept that refers to all aspects related to independence. This concept is something that has made us think in many ways, because many times, the do what we want, can take us to the wrong path, which may end up making us lose it.Since the beginning of man to the present human freedom has played an important role in it but not the way we wanted to remember. A great example was Egypt; there existed on the banks of the Nile an extreme amount of slaves that contributed to the creation of the same. What I mean is that human freedom has been leaving a mark very strong throughout man's existence but erroneously because it is not characterized by the excess of it, on the contrary, is characterized by its absence.Slavery is not a story of the past, it is true that it was practiced more frequently in it but even in our times can be found slaves, this slavery can be accepted or not, for the slave. There are several types of freedom, among which are the freedom of expression, that is based in that every human being has the right to free speech, this is a right that I believe that we are only ones can make it count because we are responsible to find ways of how we want to express.Also, freedom of opinion that says that we live in a democratic world so we have the right to give our opinions, regardless of whether it is our view and we are free to make it known; freedom of worship which is based on that we all come from a family with religious beliefs that we learn from childhood, and society teaches us that there are many more religions that we have to accept equally, and that each individual has the freedom to choose and defend their beliefs.The freedom of choice each individual has to choose freely what they want without having anything to stop them doing that and the latest, freedom of decision which states that each person is the only responsible who can decide what does or does not do with his life.As Charles Evans Hughes said, â€Å"When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free†. Freedom is an instrument double-edged, means to do what you want, while not against human nature; to regulate this freedom there are laws, which are the rules from the order is born so no one has  more freedom than other, and nobody thinks that their freedom is more valuable than another. It is double-edged because this is the same trap that should not escape, and being a runaway freedom means being taken prisoner in bondage, there is his trap, care freedom makes us all prisoners of the slavery of be free, but this brings us the ability to think, speak, hear and do it without fear of being penalized, punished or exterminated .Any other slavery, don ´t. I believe that freedom in general is the lack of limitation for action. This has been present for years in the world, where it has been very important. From my point of view, the greatest attribute of being free is that we always have the decision last us. We can decide and be free to do what we want or what we want it or not oblige.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Greenwashing Case Essay

â…  .Introduction An appreciation for environmental protection has matured steadily in recent decades. With increasing concerns over the environment comes an increasing popularity of greenwashing. Consequently, companies whose actions do not match their environmentally-friendly promotions may mislead consumers in terms of the environmental benefits of a product or service. This essay explores possible reasons of the visible boom in greenwashing and claims that Nike, a sportswear and equipment supplier, deserves the accusation of greenwashing. â… ¡.Reasons for Greenwashing Clearly, the widespread popularity of greenwashing arises in the pursuance of reputation and sales. A recent survey conducted by Advertising Age indicates that 78% of customers prefer eco-friendly corporations to companies that are reckless with the environmental issue (Berkeley Media Studies Group 2008, p.2). The result of this survey serves as an incentive for companies to greenwash. Moreover, greenwashing definitely yields fruitful results for these companies. In a survey conducted by Landor Associates, BP, a corporation being accused of greenwashing, is considered to be more environmentally friendly than its counterparts, with its voters surpassing that of Shell by 6 per cent (Solman 2008, p.24). Most importantly, greenwashing helps BP promote sales from 2004($192 billion) to 2006($266 billion) (Solman 2008, p.24). With such a prime example of greenwashing, no wonder other companies follow in BP’s footsteps. â… ¢.Nike’s official claims Nike claims that it regards environmental protection and humane management as part of their corporate responsibility. Primarily, several claims are made regarding environmental content of its products. Nike claims that T-shirts it sells in the US contain 3 per cent organic cotton and 90 per cent of its shoes are free from toxic glues, cleaners and solvents (Beder 2002, p.25). On top of that, it asserts that it eliminates the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) from its shoes (Beder 2002, p.27). Furthermore, it also advertises regarding good working conditions and happy workers in a Vietnamese factory (Beder 2002, p.25). â… £.Analysis of Claims It is doubtful whether Nike really produces clothes with 3 per cent organic cotton and 90 per cent of shoes are without toxic glues, cleaners and solvents. Rather than manufacturing its own products, Nike is only responsible for designing and marketing them and there is no supervision of the manufacturing process (Beder 2002, p.27). Furthermore, in order to promote credibility, Nike has the claim endorsed by United Nations. However, it turns out that United Nations do no monitoring of the claim made by Nike, either (Beder 2002, p.26). Consequently, Nike has no certification for this claim it makes. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the official claim regarding the environmental-friendly content in sportswear will be more than empty rhetoric. Due to the lack of valid evidence and certification, Nike’s claim considering the sportswear’s content commits the â€Å"sin of no proof† (TerraChoice 2007, p.8). Nike’s claim regarding PVC-free shoes may not be a true reflection of the fact. In a press conference, Soon after Nike’s repeated assurance regarding the PVC-free shoes, Greenpeace (a reliable organization against PVC) has claimed that Nike’s search for an alternative substitute for PVC have barely begun (Beder 2002, p.27). Given the fact that research has not lasted long, it is very unlikely that Nike is manufacturing shoes that are free from PVC, which makes this claim turn out to be a false claim. Nike commits the â€Å"sin of fibbing† (TerraChoice 2007, p.9) . Inconsistent with its advertisement, workers may not be so happy and contented in the Nike’s factory since Nike is definitely unkind to them. Nike is deceptive regarding comfortable working conditions. Specifically, in Vietnamese Nike plants, workers are exposed to carcinogens at 177 times safe levels and paid $10 for a 65-hour work per week (Beder 2002, p.27). Such differences between Nike’s claims and its behaviors are called bluewashing, which is categorized as one kind of greenwashing. Bluewashing refers to corporations that wrap themselves in the flag of human rights and labor rights, while their actions are quite otherwise (Corpwatch 2001, p.2). Furthermore, there is no uniform definition of happiness. Not only does the company misuse workers, it also makes a vague commitment because happiness is a feeling that varies from person to person. Such ambiguity proves that Nike commits the â€Å"sin of vagueness† (TerraChoice 2007, p.9). â… ¤.Counter-Arguments While Nike fails to realize certain official claims, it improves the environment and sustainability. Specifically, Nike claims that materials used in shoeboxes are 100% recycled and these shoeboxes weigh 10% less than those made up of non-recyclable paper (Stoner 2006, p.4). Nike helps alleviate deforestation by using recycled materials, thereby contributing to sustainable development and environmental protection. On the other hand, while Nike spends $1.13 billion on advertising and promoting the reputation of its products in 2003, it only donates $100,000 since 1998 to education programs for Nike workers. Compared with charity, it seems that much more funds are invested in advertising. The endeavor to greenwash far outweighs the effort to assume social responsibility. Hence, Nike is still greenwashing. â… ¥.Conclusion Overall, this paper reports that there are some reasons for companies to greenwash and even though Nike makes some effort to protect the environment, it has every reason to be accused of greenwashing. The reasons for most companies whose actions do not conform to their environmentally-friendly claims are simple: the pursuits of profits and goodwill. Despite Nike’s contribution towards environmental conservation and sustainability, several official claims regarding working conditions of employees and raw materials of products lack of evidence and clarity. Owing to the proliferation of greenwashing, customers should consider the environmental impact rather than advertising and packaging when shopping. â… ¦.References Beder S, 2002, ‘Putting the Boot In’, The Ecologist, April, pp. 24-28. Berkeley Media Studies Group, 2008, ‘Food Marketers Greenwash Junk Food’, Adweek, March, pp.1-3 CorpWatch, 2001, ‘Greenwash Fact Sheet’, CorpWatch, pp.1-2 Solman G, 2008, ‘Coloring Public Opinion?’, Adweek. January.14, pp22-24 Stoner C, 2006, ‘Corporate Greenings: Nike’, Peakinsight, pp. 1-13 TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc. 2007, ‘The Six Sins of Greenwashing’, November, pp.1-12

Various Forms of Organizations

YOU DECIDE PAPER 2 Part I:   Discuss the various forms of organization that are available to Penelope, Mark and John The various forms of organization available to Penelope, Mark and John are: GENERAL PARTNERSHIPS: A general partnership is a business organization formed when 2 or more individuals or entities form a business for profit. All partners share in the management and in the profits and decide on matters of ordinary business operations by majority of the partners or by percentage ownership of each partner. Each partner is liable for all business debts and bears responsibility for the actions of the other partners.Each partner reports partnership income on their individual tax return. A partnership dissolves on the death or withdrawal of a partner unless the partnership agreement provides otherwise. Partnerships are relatively easy and inexpensive to form and require few ongoing formalities. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: A limited liability company is a new and flexible busines s organization of one or more owners that offers the advantages of liability protection with the simplicity of a partnership, i. e. partners are not liable for business debts.Each partner reports business income on their individual tax return. LLCs may dissolve on the death or withdrawal of an owner depending on state law. An LLC is not appropriate for businesses seeking to become public or raise capital. LLCs require few ongoing formalities but usually require periodic filings with the state and also require annual fees. LLCs are more expensive to form than partnerships. CORPORATIONS: A corporation is a legal entity that has most of the rights and duties of a natural person but with perpetual life and limited liability.Shareholders of a corporation appoint a board of directors and the board of directors appoints the officers for the corporation, who have the authority to manage the day-to-day operations of the corporation. Shareholders are generally liable for the amount of their i nvestment in corporate stock. A corporation pays its own taxes and shareholders pay tax on their dividends. However, in a subchapter S corporation, shareholders report their share of corporate profit or loss in their individual tax return. The corporation is its own legal entity and can survive the death of owners, partners and shareholders.A corporation is the best entity for eventual public companies. Corporations can raise capital through the sale of securities and can transfer ownership through the transfer of securities. Corporations require annual meetings and require owners and directors to observe certain formalities. Corporations are more expensive to form than partnerships and sole proprietorships. Corporations require periodic filings with the state and also require annual fees. (COMMON FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ http://www. tulsascore. org/organization. tml) PARTNERSHIPS: Partnerships are unincorporated businesses. Like corporations, partnerships are sepa rate entities from the shareholders. Unlike corporations, partnerships must have at least one General Partner who assumes unlimited liability for the business. Partnerships must have at least two shareholders. Partnerships distribute all profits and losses to their shareholders without regard for any profits retained by the business for cash flow purposes. (LLCs are taxed as partnerships, unless they choose to be taxed as corporations. of   organization you believe will be best and be sure to explain the reasoning for your choice. In my opinion, a Limited Liability Company would be the best choice for them to form as it provides easy management and â€Å"pass-through† taxation (profits and losses are added to the owner(s) personal tax returns) like a Sole Proprietorship/Partnership, with the liability protection of a Corporation. Like a corporation, it is a separate legal entity; unlike a corporation, there is no stock and there are fewer formalities.The owners of an LLC ar e called â€Å"Members† instead of â€Å"Shareholders†. So in essence, it’s a like a corporation, with less complicated taxation and stock formalities. The heart of a Limited Liability Company is known as the â€Å"Operating Agreement†. This document sets the rules for operating the company and can be modified as the business grows and changes. Operating an LLC is less formal than a corporation, usually only requiring an Annual Members’ Meeting and Members’ agreeing to changes of the Operating Agreement and other major company decisions.Provides the liability protection of a corporation without the corporate formalities (Board meetings, Shareholder meetings, minutes, etc. ) and extra levels of management (Shareholders, Directors, Officers). Taxed the same as a sole proprietorship (1 Member LLC) or partnership (2 or more Members). (Which Type of Business Entity to Choose? http://www. mynewcompany. com/entity. htm) Part III:   Discuss the ta x consequences of contributing cash, property and/or services to the new entity. Contributions of appreciated property to an LLC, however, are generally tax free and there is no ownership or control requirement.There are ordinarily no federal income tax consequences when a person contributes property or services to an LLC, but there are some exceptions to this rule that you should keep in mind when planning for contributions by new or existing members of LLCs. Under IRC  §721(a), a contribution of property to an LLC is generally tax free to both the contributor and the LLC. There is no 80 percent control requirement to obtain tax-free treatment for a contribution to an entity taxed as a partnership as there is for a contribution to a corporation under IRC  §351.Therefore, a contribution of property to an LLC will be tax free even if the contributor obtains only a relatively small interest in the LLC in exchange. Part IV:   Discuss, in detail, how this entity is taxed (if at al l) and what filing requirements it has with the IRS Limited liability companies that are subject to the partnership tax rules are not responsible for actually paying the tax on business earnings, but are responsible for preparing annual partnership tax returns on IRS Form 1065.This return is for informational purposes only; all income, deductions and credits are reported by each individual owner. The LLC reports each owner's share of these amounts on a Schedule K-1 at the end of the year. In this situation, if Penelope, Mark and John earn $120,000 and have $60,000 of deductible business expenses, then each of them will receive a Schedule K-1 with $40,000 of earnings and $20,000 of deductions. Each of them must then report these figures on their personal income tax returns.Essentially, the business will increase their personal taxable income by $20,000. (LLC Tax Filing Rules – Tax Basis in LLC Interest: In general, the initial tax basis of a member who acquires an LLC interest from the LLC will be equal to the amount of money and the tax basis of any property that the member contributes to the LLC in exchange for such interest. The tax basis thus determined will be increased by such member's share of the LLC's liabilities, by its share of the LLC's income, and by any subsequent capital contributions.The member's tax basis will be reduced (but not below zero) by the member's share of LLC distributions and losses and also by any decrease in such member's share of the LLC's liabilities. IRC  § 752 embodies the statutory rules for sharing LLC liabilities. That Section provides that any increase in a partner's share of a partnership's liabilities, or any increase in a partner's individual liabilities by reason of assuming a partnership's liabilities, will be considered a contribution of money by such partner to the partnership.Conversely, any decrease in a partner's share of a partnership's liabilities, or any decrease in a partner's individual liabilities by reason of a partnership assuming such liabilities, will be considered a distribution of money to the partner by the partnership. Unfortunately, the statute does not provide for the manner in which a partner's share of liabilities will be determined. Instead, one must look to the Regulations. (Federal Income Taxation of LLC Members – http://www. mmmlaw. com/media-room/publications/articles/federal-income-taxation-of-llc-members)This last exception is the most important. In some circumstances, a court might say that the LLC doesn’t really exist and find that its owners are really doing business as individuals, who are personally liable for their acts (LLC Business Basics – http://articles. bplans. com/small-business-legal-issues/llc-basics/186) Cited Sources: COMMON FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ http://www. tulsascore. org/organization. html Types of Business  Organizations: 6 Forms of Business for IRS  Purposes http://taxes. about. com/od/taxp lanning/a/incorporating_2. tm Which Type of Business Entity to Choose? http://www. mynewcompany. com/entity. htm Contributions to LLCs – http://www. alberty. com/newsletter_summer01. html How LLC Members Are Taxed – http://www. nolo. com/legal-encyclopedia/how-llcs-are-taxed-29675. html Tax Implications: LLC Versus S Corporations – http://www. hutchlaw. com/library/tax-implications-llc-versus-s-corporations LLC & Asset Protection – http://www. ehow. com/about_6563015_llc-asset-protection. html LLC Business Basics – http://articles. bplans. com/small-business-legal-issues/llc-basics/186